Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and small-scale Livestock production towards Climate Change
Progetto The “Sustainable Agriculture, forestry and live-stock production towards Climate Change” project (SA2CC), builds on the overarching
priorities such as the Green Deal and digital transformation that are in the focus of the project. It is designed to support economic, social
and human development in Mongolia (Region 5 - Asia) and Kyrgyzstan (Region 6 - Central Asia), linked to the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. Well-informed citizenry, responsive institutions, problem-focused information and knowledge
society are key elements for effectively addressing challenges emerging from Climate Change (CC).
SA2CC project aims to create a vision and to develop a strategy for equipping students and young scientists with specific knowledge to
tackle and mitigate CC in Agriculture, to raise public awareness of adaptation and mitigation measures of CC, to update study programs by introducing the subject of CC in already existing courses or by developing special courses on the subject and new education tools to respond to COVID-19 restrictions.The aims of this project are to:
- Cultivate the demand for CC courses by active raising awareness.
- Identify strengths and weaknesses in existing courses, as well as specific knowledge and skills in teaching subjects on CC.
- Review and update existing curricula to incorporate climate change into courses and curricula
- Develop research-based resource packs and training workshops to help HEIs to integrate more detailed learning of Climate Change
science through case studies, vulnerability and risk assessments, and the implementation of adaptation strategies into curricula and work
- Involve young faculty and graduate students in the research process on climate change in the Baikal region
- Create opportunities for course developers to exchange experiences and ideas to help develop new courses and teaching strategies in their respective disciplines.