Climate change (CC) is undeniably responsible for the increase in climate-related disasters (e.g., forest fire, storms). The European Environment Agency states that the EU region experienced substantial economic losses (1980-2020: € 460 billion) and fatalities (1980-2020: 89525) from climate-related extremes. These extreme events are often the result of compound events, a combination of multiple climate-related hazards that contribute to social and environmental risks. This innovative concept integrates small- to large-scale events for fully assessing CC induced risks to support adaptation actions and policies. Forests provide essential ecosystem services that support human well-being and play a critical role in the mitigation of CC, but their health and stability are threatened by CC at the same time. Therefore, hazard-resilient and sustainable forest management is key for managing climate-related risks. In the Alpine region, forests are a key element for protecting people and assets against, e.g., avalanches, rockfall. However, to be effective for both risk reduction and CC adaptation services, forests need to be resilient to CC requiring action rather than reaction plans. As climate-related disasters do not stop at national borders, an Alpine-wide harmonized framework is needed. Action plans therefore require that: 1) atlases and data on historic and present Alpine climate-related disasters are collected, harmonized, shared, 2) trends in climate-related events including forest disturbances are quantified for evaluating the future along most probable IPCC scenarios, 3) natural hazard risk models integrate effects of climate-related compound events on forests, and 4) awareness among foresters, risk managers, decision makers and the public is increased through an Alpine network of forest training hubs. These are the objectives of the MOSAIC project (€ 2.74 M total budget) based on transnational experiences and data sharing for supporting Alpine climate action plans.