Live black soldier fly larvae as environmental enrichment for native chickens: implications for bird performance, welfare, and excreta microbiota
Data di Pubblicazione:
Dietary live insect larvae were recently proposed for use in laying hens and broiler−intensive chicken farming as an innovative form of environmental enrichment, but their use in native dual-purpose chickens has never been investigated. This study aims to evaluate the effects of live black soldier fly (BSF) larvae as environmental enrichment in two autochthonous dual-purpose chicken breeds, namely Bionda Piemontese (BP) and Bianca di Saluzzo (BS), in terms of bird performance, behaviour, integument status, excreta corticosterone metabolites (ECMs), and microbiota analyses. A total of 90 BP and 90 BS hens aged 308 days old were randomly distributed between two treatment groups (three replicates/group/breed, 15 hens/replicate). For the following 90 days, the control group (C) was fed a commercial feed only, whereas the BSF group was fed the commercial diet plus BSF live larvae calculated at 6% of the expected daily feed intake (DFI). Larva ingestion time, bird performance, integument scores, and behavioural observations were assessed at regular intervals, and excreta samples were collected to evaluate ECM and microbiota. The larva ingestion time became faster over the course of the experimental trial (P < 0.001). The DFI of BSF-fed hens was lower than that of C hens independently of breed (P < 0.001), whereas only in the BS hens, the live weight of the BSF-fed group was greater than that of the C group (P < 0.01). The BSF-fed BP hens showed a higher laying rate and feed conversion ratio compared with BSF-BS (P < 0.05). Better total integument scores were observed in BSF-fed BP hens compared with C-birds (P < 0.05). The BSF-fed hens displayed higher frequencies of preening, trotting, and wing flapping than C, as well as a lower incidence of severe feather pecking (P < 0.05). An increase in allopreening was only identified in BSF-fed BS hens with respect to the C hens (P < 0.001). No differences in ECM and faecal microbiota were observed between treatment groups. In conclusion, the administration of BSF live larvae as environmental enrichment has the potential to positively influence the welfare of both BP and BS chickens, by enhancing the frequency of positive behaviours whilst reducing severe feather pecking, without affecting their excreta microbiota. BSF larva administration also has the potential to improve the productive performance and the plumage status of the BP breed.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Autochthonous breed, Hermetia illucens, Laying hen, Local poultry, Supplementation
Elenco autori:
Bellezza Oddon, S.; Biasato, I.; Ferrocino, I.; Imarisio, A.; Renna, M.; Caimi, C.; Gariglio, M.; Dabbou, S.; Pipan, M.; Dekleva, D.; Corvaglia, M.R.; Bongiorno, V.; Macchi, E.; Cocolin, L.; Gasco, L.; Schiavone, A.
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