The European Food Systems Educaon and Training (EFSET) programme addresses the increasingly challenging array of food-related problems, such as food waste or malnutrion. Through muldisciplinary and collaborave approaches that simultaneously target different parts of the food system, the course gives
postgraduate students the confidence and skills necessary to bring about posive change. Building on the first year of the programme, EFSET provides students at
European universies unique and excing opportunies to address real-world Food System Challenges set by industry partners.
Through a series of innovave, on-line modules and face-to-face skills workshops, as well as opportunies to parcipate in a fully-funded internaonal Away
Weekend and a Summer School, students receive training in food systems analysis and intervenon strategies, and experience the challenges of interdisciplinary
teamwork. Having parcipated in this training, EFSET students will enter the workplace able to demonstrate an enhanced professionalism through combining
strategic food systems thinking with the technical skills developed through their postgraduate studies.