Finanziamento dell’UE NextGenerationEU PRIN PNRR 2022 – GOLA. Representation of gastronomic culture, nutrition and food in the Italian media system. Stardom, material culture, taste (1954-1990) - M4C2 investimento 1.1 Avviso 1409/2022
Progetto The aim of this research project is to propose a systematic recognition of the theoretical, historiographical and visual links between
gastronomic culture, the representation of food and nutrition, and the Italian media system (specialized and popular press, public
television service, periodicals and magazines). The project intends to reconstruct this connection starting from sources which have
never been analyzed in these terms, including audiovisual media, articles and press images, archival documents and specialized manuals. The periodization chosen for this project (1954-1990) aims to map a wide-ranging time frame, decisive both with respect to
the history of the media and to the substantial evolutions in the history of cooking and food. The research starts from the economic
miracle period, during which decisive changes in the Italian cultural system were witnessed, to the late 1980s. The research starts
from the 1950s, a pivotal decade for the evolution of a modern media and publishing system, from the birth of public television to
the massive diffusion of "rotocalchi" and generalist magazines. In parallel, this period makes it possible to investigate media
representations of food, cooking, and eating from both a diachronic and synchronic perspective. These representations undergo
obvious changes in a direct relationship with changes in consumption practices, and the relationship with tradition, but also from the
rethinking of notions and values such as those of health, well-being, self-care.
Innovative points and outputs of the project:
(a) A mapping aimed at identifying an original path of analysis that interweaves gastronomic culture and audiovisual and publishing
cultural products
(b) To enhance the cultural heritage (specifically the audiovisual and publishing one) of food to increase the preservation of national
customs and traditions
(c) To safeguard historiographical and theoretical reflection on Made in Italy through cuisine as a cultural heritage exportable beyond
national borders
(d) In the framework of intangible heritage enhancement, to strengthen the value of the excellence of food products and
gastronomic practices as they have been represented and conveyed by the Italian media system
(e) To realize a Database with cataloging, filing, indexing and digitization of both text material and archival documents traced in the
course of research
(f) To produce a documentary on the themes of food, gastronomic culture and culinary tradition based on the material found in the
RAI Teche and part of the documents archived in the Database, which can be used as a tool for dissemination and food education in
high school courses, University courses dedicated to the history of food, the history of cooking, cinema and radio and television
entertainment, and in festivals, exhibitions, etc.