Data di Pubblicazione:
The pT-differential inclusive production cross section of the prompt charm-strange meson D+
s in the
rapidity range |y| < 0.5 was measured in proton–proton collisions at
s = 7 TeV at the LHC using
the ALICE detector. The analysis was performed on a data sample of 2.98 × 108 events collected with
a minimum-bias trigger. The corresponding integrated luminosity is Lint = 4.8 nb−1. Reconstructing the
decay D+
→ φπ+, with φ → K−K+, and its charge conjugate, about 480 D±
s mesons were counted,
after selection cuts, in the transverse momentum range 2 < pT < 12 GeV/c. The results are compared
with predictions from models based on perturbative QCD. The ratios of the cross sections of four D
meson species (namely D0, D+, D∗+ and D+
s ) were determined both as a function of pT and integrated
over pT after extrapolating to full pT range, together with the strangeness suppression factor in charm
fragmentation. The obtained values are found to be compatible within uncertainties with those measured
by other experiments in e+e−, ep and pp interactions at various centre-of-mass energies.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Ultra relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions; HEAVY FLAVOR PRODUCTION
Elenco autori:
B. Abelev;J. Adam;D. Adamová;A.M. Adare;M.M. Aggarwal;G. Aglieri Rinella;A.G. Agocs;A. Agostinelli;S. Aguilar Salazar;Z. Ahammed;N. Ahmad;A. Ahmad Masoodi;S.A. Ahn;S.U. Ahn;A. Akindinov;D. Aleksandrov;B. Alessandro;R. Alfaro Molina;A. Alici;A. Alkin;E. Almaráz Aviña;J. Alme;T. Alt;V. Altini;S. Altinpinar;I. Altsybeev;C. Andrei;A. Andronic;V. Anguelov;J. Anielski;C. Anson;T. Antičić;F. Antinori;P. Antonioli;L. Aphecetche;H. Appelshäuser;N. Arbor;S. Arcelli;A. Arend;N. Armesto;R. Arnaldi;T. Aronsson;I.C. Arsene;M. Arslandok;A. Asryan;A. Augustinus;R. Averbeck;T.C. Awes;J. Äystö;M.D. Azmi;M. Bach;A. Badalà;Y.W. Baek;R. Bailhache;R. Bala;R. Baldini Ferroli;A. Baldisseri;A. Baldit;F. Baltasar Dos Santos Pedrosa;J. Bán;R.C. Baral;R. Barbera;F. Barile;G.G. Barnaföldi;L.S. Barnby;V. Barret;J. Bartke;M. Basile;N. Bastid;S. Basu;B. Bathen;G. Batigne;B. Batyunya;C. Baumann;I.G. Bearden;H. Beck;I. Belikov;F. Bellini;R. Bellwied;E. Belmont-Moreno;G. Bencedi;S. Beole;I. Berceanu;A. Bercuci;Y. Berdnikov;D. Berenyi;A.A.E. Bergognon;D. Berzano;L. Betev;A. Bhasin;A.K. Bhati;J. Bhom;L. Bianchi;N. Bianchi;C. Bianchin;J. Bielčík;J. Bielčíková;A. Bilandzic;S. Bjelogrlic;F. Blanco;F. Blanco;D. Blau;C. Blume;M. Boccioli;N. Bock;S. Böttger;A. Bogdanov;H. Bøggild;M. Bogolyubsky;L. Boldizsár;M. Bombara;J. Book;H. Borel;A. Borissov;S. Bose;F. Bossú;M. Botje;E. Botta;B. Boyer;E. Braidot;P. Braun-Munzinger;M. Bregant;T. Breitner;T.A. Browning;M. Broz;R. Brun;E. Bruna;G.E. Bruno;D. Budnikov;H. Buesching;S. Bufalino;O. Busch;Z. Buthelezi;D. Caballero Orduna;D. Caffarri;X. Cai;H. Caines;E. Calvo Villar;P. Camerini;V. Canoa Roman;G. Cara Romeo;F. Carena;W. Carena;N. Carlin Filho;F. Carminati;A. Casanova Díaz;J. Castillo Castellanos;J.F. Castillo Hernandez;E.A.R. Casula;V. Catanescu;C. Cavicchioli;C. Ceballos Sanchez;J. Cepila;P. Cerello;B. Chang;S. Chapeland;J.L. Charvet;S. Chattopadhyay;S. Chattopadhyay;I. Chawla;M. Cherney;C. Cheshkov;B. Cheynis;V. Chibante Barroso;D.D. Chinellato;P. Chochula;M. Chojnacki;S. Choudhury;P. Christakoglou;C.H. Christensen;P. Christiansen;T. Chujo;S.U. Chung;C. Cicalo;L. Cifarelli;F. Cindolo;J. Cleymans;F. Coccetti;F. Colamaria;D. Colella;G. Conesa Balbastre;Z. Conesa del Valle;P. Constantin;G. Contin;J.G. Contreras;T.M. Cormier;Y. Corrales Morales;P. Cortese;I. Cortés Maldonado;M.R. Cosentino;F. Costa;M.E. Cotallo;E. Crescio;P. Crochet;E. Cruz Alaniz;E. Cuautle;L. Cunqueiro;A. Dainese;H.H. Dalsgaard;A. Danu;I. Das;D. Das;K. Das;S. Dash;A. Dash;S. De;G.O.V. de Barros;A. De Caro;G. de Cataldo;J. de Cuveland;A. De Falco;D. De Gruttola;H. Delagrange;A. Deloff;V. Demanov;N. De Marco;E. Dénes;S. De Pasquale;A. Deppman;G. D Erasmo;R. de Rooij;M.A. Diaz Corchero;D. Di Bari;T. Dietel;C. Di Giglio;S. Di Liberto;A. Di Mauro;P. Di Nezza;R. Divià;Ø. Djuvsland;A. Dobrin;T. Dobrowolski;I. Domínguez;B. Dönigus;O. Dordic;O. Driga;A.K. Dubey;A. Dubla;L. Ducroux;P. Dupieux;A.K. Dutta Majumdar;M.R. Dutta Majumdar;D. Elia;D. Emschermann;H. Engel;B. Erazmus;H.A. Erdal;B. Espagnon;M. Estienne;S. Esumi;D. Evans;G. Eyyubova;D. Fabris;J. Faivre;D. Falchieri;A. Fantoni;M. Fasel;R. Fearick;A. Fedunov;D. Fehlker;L. Feldkamp;D. Felea;B. Fenton-Olsen;G. Feofilov;A. Fernández Téllez;A. Ferretti;R. Ferretti;A. Festanti;J. Figiel;M.A.S. Figueredo;S. Filchagin;D. Finogeev;F.M. Fionda;E.M. Fiore;M. Floris;S. Foertsch;P. Foka;S. Fokin;E. Fragiacomo;A. Francescon;U. Frankenfeld;U. Fuchs;C. Furget;M. Fusco Girard;J.J. Gaardhøje;M. Gagliardi;A. Gago;M. Gallio;D.R. Gangadharan;P. Ganoti;C. Garabatos;E. Garcia-Solis;I. Garishvili;J. Gerhard;M. Germain;C. Geuna;M. Gheata;A. Gheata;B. Ghidini;P. Ghosh;P. Gianotti;M.R. Girard;P
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