Measurement of D+/- production in deep inelastic ep scattering with the ZEUS detector at HERA
Data di Pubblicazione:
Charm production in deep inelastic e p scattering was measured with the ZEUS detector using an integrated luminosity of 354 pb(-1). Charm quarks were identified by reconstructing D-+/- mesons in the D-+/- -> K--/+pi(+/-)pi(+/-) decay channel. Lifetime information was used to reduce combinatorial background substantially. Differential cross sections were measured in the kinematic region 5 < Q(2) < 1000 GeV2, 0.02 < y < 0.7, 1.5 < p(T)(D-+/-) < 15 GeV and vertical bar eta(D-+/-)vertical bar < 1.6, where Q(2) is the photon virtuality, y is the inelasticity, and p(T)(D-+/-) and eta(D-+/-) are the transverse momentum and the pseudorapidity of the D-+/- meson, respectively. Next-to-leading-order QCD predictions are compared to the data. The charm contribution, F-2(c (c) over bar), to the proton structure-function F-2 was extracted.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
High Energy Physics; HERA; ZEUS Collaboration
Elenco autori:
H. Abramowicz;I. Abt;L. Adamczyk;M. Adamus;I. A. R.;S. Antonelli;P. Antonioli;A. Antonov;M. Arneodo;O. Arslan;V. Aushev;Y. Aushev;O. Bachynska;A. Bamberger;A. N. Barakbaev;G. Barbagli;G. Bari;F. Barreiro;N. Bartosik;D. Bartsch;M. Basile;O. Behnke;J. Behr;O. Behrens;L. Bellagamba;A. Bertoin;S. Bhadra;M. Bindi;C. Blohm;V. Bokhonov;T. Bold;E. G. Boos;K. Borras;D. Boscherini;D. Bot;I. Brock;E. Brownson;R. Brugnera;N. Bruemmer;A. Bruni;G. Bruni;B. Brzozowska;P. J. Bussey;B. Bylsma;A. Caldwell;M. Capua;R. Carlin;C. D. Catterall;S. Chekanov;J. Chwastowski;J. Ciborowski;R. Ciesielski;L. Cifarelli;F. Cindolo;A. Contin;A. M. Cooper-Sarkar;N. Coppola;M. Corradi;F. Corriveau;M. Costa;G. D'Agostini;F. D. Corso;J. d. Peso;R. K. Dementiev;S. D. Pasquale;M. Derrick;R. C. E.;D. Dobur;B. A. Dolgoshein;G. Dolinska;A. T. Doyle;V. Drugakov;L. S. Durkin;S. Dusini;Y. Eisenberg;P. F. Ermolov;A. Eskreys;S. Fang;S. Fazio;J. Ferrando;M. I. Ferrero;J. Figiel;B. Foster;G. Gach;A. Galas;E. Gallo;A. Garfagnini;A. Geiser;I. Gialas;A. Gizhko;L. K. Gladilin;D. Gladkov;C. Glasman;O. Gogota;Y. A. Goubkov;P. Goettlicher;I. Grabowska-Bold;J. Grebenyuk;I. Gregor;G. Grigorescu;G. Grzelak;O. Gueta;M. Guzik;C. Gwenlan;T. Haas;W. Hain;R. Hamatsu;J. C. Hart;H. Hartmann;G. Hartner;E. Hilger;D. Hochman;R. Hori;A. Huettmann;Z. A. Ibrahim;Y. Iga;R. Ingbir;M. Ishitsuka;A. Iudin;H. . P.;F. Januschek;T. W. Jones;M. Juengst;I. Kadenko;B. Kahle;S. Kananov;T. Kanno;U. Karshon;F. Karstens;I. I. Katkov;M. Kaur;P. Kaur;A. Keramidas;L. A. Khein;J. Y. Kim;D. Kisielewska;S. Kitamura;R. Klanner;U. Kein;E. Koffeman;N. Kondrashova;O. Kononenko;P. Kooijman;I. Korol;I. A. Korzhavina;A. Kotanski;U. Koets;N. Kovalchuk;H. Kowalski;O. Kuprash;M. Kuze;A. Lee;B. B. Levehenko;A. Levy;V. Libov;S. Limentani;T. Y. Ling;M. Lisovyi;E. Lobodzinska;W. Lohmann;B. Loehr;E. Lohrmann;K. R. Long;A. Longhin;D. Lontkovskyi;O. Y. Lukina;J. Maeda;S. Magill;I. Makarenko;J. Malka;R. Mankel;A. Margotti;G. Marini;J. F. Martin;A. Mastroberardino;M. C. K.;I. . A.;S. Mergeltneyer;S. Miglioranzi;F. M. Idris;V. Monaco;A. Montanari;J. D. Morris;K. Mujkic;B. Musgrave;K. Nagano;T. Namsoo;R. Nania;A. Nigro;Y. Ning;I. Nobe;D. Notz;R. J. Nowak;A. E. Nuncio-Quiroz;B. Y. Oh;N. Okazaki;K. Olkiewicz;Y. Onishchuk;K. Papageorgiu;A. Parenti;E. Paul;J. M. Pawlak;B. Pawlik;P. G. Pelfer;A. Pellegrino;W. Perlanski;H. Perrey;K. Piotrzkowski;P. Plucinski;N. S. Pokrovskiy;A. Polini;A. S. Proskuryakov;M. Przybycien;A. Raval;D. D. Reeder;B. Reisert;Z. Ren;J. Repond;Y. D. Ri;R. Robertson;P. Roloff;I. Rubinsky;M. Ruspa;R. Sacchi;U. Samson;G. Sartorelli;A. A. Savin;D. H. Saxon;M. Schioppa;S. Schlenstedt;P. Schleper;W. B. Schmidke;U. Schneekloth;V. Schoenberg;T. Schoerner-Sadenius;J. Schwartz;F. Sciulli;L. M. Shcheglova;R. Shehzadi;S. Shimizu;I. Singh;I. O. Skillicorn;W. Slominski;W. H. Smith;V. Sola;A. Solano;D. Son;V. Sosnovtsev;A. Spiridonov;H. Stadie;L. Stanco;N. Stefaniuk;A. Stern;T. P. Stewart;A. Stifutkin;P. Stopa;S. Suchkov;G. Susinno;L. Suszycki;J. Sztuk-Dambietz;D. Szuba;J. Szuba;A. D. Tapper;E. Tassi;J. Terron;T. Theedt;H. Tiecke;K. Tokushuku;J. Tomaszewska;A. Trofymov;V. Trusov;T. Tsurugai;M. Turcato;O. Turkot;T. Tymieniecka;M. Vazquez;A. Verbytskyi;O. Viazlo;N. N. Vlasov;R. Walczak;W. A. T.;J. J. Whitmore;K. Wichmann;L. Wiggers;M. Wing;M. Wlasenko;G. Wolf;H. Wolfe;K. Wrona;A. G. Yaguees-Molina;S. Yamada;Y. Yamazaki;R. Yoshida;C. Youngman;N. Zakharchuk;A. B. Zarnecki;L. Zawiejski;O. Zenaiev;W. Zeuner;B. O. Zhautykov;N. Zhmak;A. Zichichi;Z. Zolkapli;D. S. Zotkin
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