Data di Pubblicazione:
The first measurement of jet shapes, defined as the fractional transverse momentum radial distribution, for inclusive jets produced in heavy-ion collisions is presented. Data samples of PbPb and pp collisions, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 150 mu b(-1) and 5.3 pb(-1) respectively, were collected at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC. The jets are reconstructed with the anti-k(T) algorithm with a distance parameter R = 0.3, and the jet shapes are measured for charged particles with transverse momentum P-T > 1 GeV/c. The jet shapes measured in PbPb collisions in different collision centralities are compared to reference distributions based on the pp data. A centrality-dependent modification of the jet shapes is observed in the more central PbPb collisions, indicating a redistribution of the energy inside the jet cone. This measurement provides information about the parton shower mechanism in the hot and dense medium produced in heavy-ion collisions.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Elenco autori:
Chatrchyan S; Khachatryan V; Sirunyan AM; Tumasyan A; Adam W; Bergauer T; Dragicevic M; Ero J; Fabjan C; Friedl M; Fruhwirth R; Ghete VM; Hormann N; Hrubec J; Hrubec J; Kiesenhofer W; Knunz V; Krammer M; Kratschmer I; Liko D; Mikulec I; Rabady D; Rahbaran B; Rohringer C; Rohringer H; Schofbeck R; Strauss J; Taurok A; Treberer-Treberspurg W; Waltenberger W; Wulz CE; Mossolov V; Shumeiko N; Gonzalez JS; Alderweireldt S; Bansal M; Bansal S; Cornelis T; De Wolf EA; Janssen X; Knutsson A; Luyckx S; Mucibello L; Ochesanu S; Roland B; Rougny R; Staykova Z; Van Haevermaet H; Van Mechelen P; Van Remortel N; Van Spilbeeck A; Blekman F; Blyweert S; D'Hondt J; Kalogeropoulos A; Keaveney J; Maes M; Olbrechts A; Tavernier S; Van Doninck W; Van Mulders P; Van Onsem GP; Villella I; Caillol C; Clerbaux B; De Lentdecker G; Favart L; Gay APR; Hreus T; Leonard A; Marage PE; Mohammadi A; Pernie L; Reis T; Seva T; Thomas L; Vander Velde C; Vanlaer R; Wang J; Adler V; Beernaert K; Benucci L; Cimmino A; Costantini S; Dildick S; Garcia G; Klein B; Lellouch J; Marinov A; Mccartin J; Rios AAO; Ryckbosch D; Sigamani M; Strobbe N; Thyssen F; Tytgat M; Walsh S; Yazgan E; Zaganidis N; Basegmez S; Beluffi C; Bruno G; Castello R; Caudron A; Ceard L; Da Silveira GG; Delaere C; du Pree T; Favart D; Forthomme L; Giammanco A; Hollar J; Jez R; Lemaitre V; Liao J; Militaru O; Nuttens C; Pagano D; Pin A; Piotrzkowski K; Popov A; Selvaggi M; Marono MV; Garcia JMV; Beliy N; Caebergs T; Daubie E; Hammad GH; Alves GA; Martins MC; Martins T; Pol ME; Souza MHG; Alda WL; Carvalho W; Chinellato J; Custodio A; Da Costa EM; Damiao DD; Martins CD; De Souza SF; Malbouisson H; Malek M; Figueiredo DM; Mundim L; Nogima H; Da Silva WLP; Santoro A; Sznajder A; Manganote EJT; Pereira AV; Bernardes CA; Dias FA; Tomei TRFP; Gregores EM; Lagana C; Mercadante PG; Novaes SF; Padula SS; Genchev V; Iaydjiev P; Piperov S; Rodozov M; Sultanov G; Vutova M; Dimitrov A; Hadjiiska R; Kozhuharov V; Litov L; Pavlov B; Petkov R; Bian JG; Chen GM; Chen HS; Jiang CH; Liang D; Liang S; Meng X; Tao J; Wang X; Wang Z; Xiao H; Asawatangtrakuldee C; Ban Y; Guo Y; Li Q; Li W; Liu S; Mao Y; Qian SJ; Wang D; Zhang L; Zou W; Avila C; Montoya CAC; Sierra LFC; Gomez JP; Moreno BG; Sanabria JC; Godinovic N; Lelas D; Plestina R; Polic D; Puljak I; Antunovic Z; Kovac M; Brigljevic V; Kadija K; Luetic J; Mekterovic D; Morovic S; Tikvica L; Attikis A; Mavromanolakis G; Mousa J; Nicolaou C; Ptochos F; Razis PA; Finger M; Finger M; Abdelalim AA; Assran Y; Elgammal S; Kamel AE; Mahmoud MA; Radi A; Kadastik M; Muntel M; Murumaa M; Raidal M; Rebane L; Tiko A; Eerola P; Fedi G; Voutilainen M; Harkonen J; Karimaki V; Kinnunen R; Kortelainen MJ; Lampen T; Lassila-Perini K; Lehti S; Linden T; Luukka R; Maenpaa T; Peltola T; Tuominen E; Tuominiemi J; Tuovinen E; Wendland L; Tuuva T; Besancon M; Couderc F; Dejardin M; Denegri D; Fabbro B; Faure JL; Fern F; Ganjour S; Givernaud A; Gras P; de Monchenault GH; Jarry P; Locci E; Malcles J; Millischer L; Nayak A; Rander J; Rosowsky A; Titov M; Baffioni S; Beaudette F; Benhabib L; Bluj M; Busson P; Charlot C; Daci N; Dahms T; Dalchenko M; Dobrzynski L; Florent A; de Cassagnac RG; Haguenauer M; Mine P; Mironov C; Naranjo IN; Nguyen M; Ochando C; Paganini P; Sabes D; Salerno R; Sirois Y; Veelken C; Zabi A; Agram JL; Andrea J; Bloch D; Brom JM; Chabert EC; Collard C; Conte E; Drouhin F; Fontaine JC; Gele D; Goerlach U; Goetzmann C; Juillot P; Le Bihan AC; Van Hove P; Gadrat S; Beauceron S; Beaupere N; Boudoul G; Brochet S; Chasserat J; Chierici R; Contardo D; Depasse P; El Mamouni H; Fan J; Fay J; Gascon S; Gouzevitch M; Ille B; Kurca T; Lethuillier M; Mirabito L; Pe
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