This project addresses the complex issue of citizenship through an influential text that has been part of our educational common ground for many centuries: Cicero's defense of the non-Roman poet Archias in a case about citizenship and the value of art, literature and intercultural dialogue. Secondary school Latin teachers and students in five European countries will gain expert knowledge of the speech, while engaging in transnational discussions on relevant issues.
In national and international meetings the political-historical, rhetorical-linguistic and the performance context of Cicero's Pro Archia is studied together with experts in the field. In addition, the pedagogical tradition is addressed in a final session on the contemporary relevance of the text. All meetings provide input for a sustainable open access online multimedial commentary on the speech in five languages for students at an intermediate level of Latin in order to continue the discussion
In the end, a publicly accessible website in five languages, aimed at teachers and students of Latin, will provide the necessary context for Cicero's defense of Archias and will enable international exchange on this shared heritage for at least another decade. Also in five countries teachers and students of Latin have been engaged in innovative teaching and learning experiences and international dialogues about the common European heritage. These dialogues can be the start of new common paths.