Under the 2018 KAVAs, online courses allowed us to reach 16,000+ learners, thanks to Ac
vity Leaders hard work on developing high quality course material.
From learners’ responses it is clear that the courses have created excellent assets that should remain current in our por
olio - hence why it is essen
al to provide
onal resources to online course team to ensure re-runs of the succesful online course developed under BP19.
Generally speaking all courses developed under previous business plans are expected to re-runs at least 3
mes over a period of 2 or 3 years. An analysis of each
course performance is made a
er each course run, and decision is made to con
nue running session of the course or to archive it. A course may be archived for
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Education 1.9 Engage programmes
the following reasons : A) The course is not fit for the market anymore B) 3 consecu
ves runs of the course with nega
ve feedbacks from learners.