IVS Commune online. Towards a corpus of the texts of the ius commune from manuscript to print
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IVS Commune online (ICo) is a digital tool meant to host analytical descriptions of legal texts transmitted in either manuscripts or printed editions and published from medieval to early modern age. The main purpose is allowing for a comparative study of the transmission of texts over the centuries, but also to facilitate the study of the evolution of the book as a material object.
ICo was created to realise one of the main goals of the Project “The sources of the law in Europe in late medieval and early modern times. Towards a corpus of Texts of the Ius Commune from manuscript to print (1350-1650)” funded by the Ministry of University and Research within the Programma Giovani Ricercatori “Rita Levi Montalcini” (Call 2017) and led by Alessandra Panzanelli in the Department of Historical Studies of the University of Turin (2019-22). Since December 2022 ICo is being developed and enhanced by the research activities conducted within the framework of the Extended Partnership CHANGES, Spoke 3 (Digital Libraries, Archives and Philology). ICo is freely available on the web; editing data are also free for all who work on the transmission of legal texts and who would like to use ICo as a tool for analysis. Those who like to join the project, please get in touch (write to the General editor: mariaalessandra.panzanellifratoni@unito.it).
Tipologia CRIS:
07L-Banca Dati
ius commune, libro giuridico, testi di legge, bibliografia, storia del diritto, manoscritti, incunaboli, edizioni antiche, filologia, trasmissione del testo, legal texts, law books, legal history, textual bibliography, philology, manuscripts, incunabula, early printed books, textual transmission
Elenco autori:
Panzanelli Fratoni, Maria Alessandra
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