Preliminary Report on the Campaigns 2022-2023 of the Italian Archaeological Expedition at Seleucia on the Tigris (IAES)
Data di Pubblicazione:
This report makes available the preliminary results of field research conducted at Tell 'Umar/Seleucia on the Tigris by the Italian Archaeological Expedition (IAES), in the months of October-November 2022 and April 2023. The IAES started activity anew after a long gap, resuming research being conducted for decades at the site since 1963. Geomatic and Magneto-geophysical surveys have been conducted with the purpose of better defining the topography of the archaeological area and acquiring new data on some features of the north part of the city. A test-trench was opened to check stratigraphy at a point very close to one of the former excavations.
Tipologia CRIS:
03A-Articolo su Rivista
Seleucia on the Tigris, image-based geomatic sur vey, magneto-geophysical survey, test-trench
Elenco autori:
lippolis carlo;
messina vito;
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